oh Hey, I got a new personal blog now, here :)

under one roof - ZARA AIRYSS

ZARA AIRYSS - is established on July 24.

general description of ZARA AIRYSS
1. it consists of 6 lovely, generous, peaceful, soft spoken girls who live under one roof called ZARA AIRYSS. 
*Note that, the house's name is ZARA AIRYSS, not the roof. (okay, this is lame).

2. This house is filled with love, laugh, smile, jokes, prays, stories (not gossips) etc. In short, they are called MEMORIES.

3. Literally, this house is also filled with lots of sleeping bags, laptops, clothes, shoes, food (cereal, milk, chicken, rice, bread, tuna casserole etc), books, ebay stuffs, etc etc etc.

4. Zara Airyss used to have 6 bicycles, but since one of them was gone missing, which was Aliah's bicycle, and some bicycles are going to be sold soon, it is predicted to have only 2-3 bicycles left. 

5. Those 6 girls are consistently taking bus to uni, instead of cycling or walking.

6. Those 6 girls are also rajin masak and rajin makan.

7. Under certain circumstances, Zara Airyss's photo to Salam Perantauan was needed to be edited before it was sent to be published on the internet and local papers.

8. InsyaAllah, more stories will be told about them.

. You may scroll down now to see those 6 girls of ZARA AIRYSS. 

 this is Aliah. I guess she's the mother of Zara Airyss coz she is penyayang, but sometimes she's pretty annoying (joking).

This is Amirah. I'm pretty sure she's a young gardener of Zara Airyss as she has a cili tree or it's nickname, POCI, at Zara Airyss's backyard. She's a good cook too.

This is Asreen. She calls herself 'barbie'. It could be true by the way she smiled in this picture (wait, was she smiling?). She's a good cook too, and when she laughs, she's actually screaming.She's a fashionista.

This is Zeda. She's seriously a rich at heart person. She's has a straight face, because whenever I acted mental in front of her, she remains cool and unaffected. She's a cool person who has lots of beautiful skirts. 

This is Zawa, or me, myself. She owns this blog.

This is Yazmin. Her pictures is different because those pictures above were taken without her presence because she was unable to join us during our girls' night out. It was so unfortunate, that's why she deserves more than 1 picture.

Yazmin is rajin n pandai. She's a good cook and a fashionista too. And most importantly, she has dimple.

This photo was taken at uni when we were trying to finish our assignment. did I mention she's a bit older than 5 of us?

As I said, Yazmin is hardworking girl. She borrowed lots of books to do her assignment. Unlike me who borrowed her books just for the sake of photo shooting. heheee...

Some other photos during the girls' night out.
aiyaa..barbie was trying too hard. hehee

okay, that's all for now. Zara Airyss stories will resume once I get more stories to tell.


Unknown said...

=) envy the ukhuwwah

zawaJasmi said...

Alhamdulillah 4 everything, syami :)

Yazmin Z. said...

yeahhh boleh komen!!

Zeda Clover said...

I miss those moments and memories at Zara Airyss..I miss everytime we went out and makan2 together..I miss Zara Airyss's life ;')